The design for Peninsula College Parking Lot improved wayfinding and circulation at the main entrance of the campus. The goals of the project were to provide a welcoming entrance to the campus with safe pedestrian and vehicular circulation and to meet the City of Port Angeles standards for stormwater cleaning and detention. The design employs biofiltration swales and rain gardens that define driveways and parking spaces for a colorful and distinctive approach to campus.
Sustainable practices are integral to this project. The entrance to campus and parking lot incorporate planting beds, shade trees, and natural drainage systems consisting of biofiltration swales and rain gardens that clean runoff from the parking lot. Vegetation is composed of Pacific Northwest native and adapted plant material that helps to anchor this place within the larger context of the Olympic Peninsula. Nakano Associates met with college staff and faculty on a regular basis to review landscape design. This project was chosen as one of eleven in Washington State as a pilot project for the Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES).
Location: Port Angeles, Washington
Client: Peninsula College
Civil Engineer: KPFF Consulting Engineers
Recognition: This project was chosen as one of eleven in Washington State as a pilot project for the Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES)
Learn more: Green Gardening Winter Workshop 2015 Presentation by Nakano Associates and Osborn Consulting, From Asphalt to Bioretention: Lessons Learned from Two Parking Lot Retrofits